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Check Object base on string pattern


// ✅ this is correct 👌
navigate("user/:userId", { userId: "2"});

// ✅ Looks good! `dashboardId` is optional.
navigate("user/:userId/dashboard(/:dashboardId)", { userId: "2" });

// ❌ `userId` is missing. Add one to fix the error!
navigate("user/:userId/dashboard(/:dashboardId)", { dashboardId: "2" });

// ❌ `oops` isn't a parameter. Remove it to fix the error!
navigate("user/:userId/dashboard(/:dashboardId)", { userId: "2", oops: ":(" });

// 👇 Scroll to see how this works!

// 🤫 Here are the kind of things you will soon be able to do!
type ParseUrlParams<url> =
url extends `${infer path}(${infer optionalPath})`
? ParseUrlParams<path> & Partial<ParseUrlParams<optionalPath>>
: url extends `${infer start}/${infer rest}`
? ParseUrlParams<start> & ParseUrlParams<rest>
: url extends `:${infer param}`
? { [k in param]: string }
: {};

// navigate to a different route
function navigate<T extends string>(
path: T,
params: ParseUrlParams<T>
) {
// interpolate params
let url = Object.entries<string>(params).reduce<string>(
(path, [key, value]) => path.replace(`:${key}`, value),

// clean url
url = url.replace(/(\(|\)|\/?:[^\/]+)/g, '')

// update url
history.pushState({}, '', url);