จัดการ Try-Catch Error
Because JS can throw any type:
throw 'What the!?'
throw 5
throw {error: 'is this'}
throw null
throw new Promise(() => {})
throw undefined
ดังนั้นเราสามารถใช้ Type Narrowing ในการจัดการ Type ได้อย่างถูกต้อง
try {
throw new Error('Oh no!');
} catch (error) {
// error always unknown type
if (error instanceof Error) return error.message;
return String(error);
ตัวอย่างการใช้งานจริง ด้วย zod
import { z } from 'zod';
const errorWithMessageSchema = z.object({
message: z.string(),
type ErrorWithMessage = z.infer<typeof errorWithMessageSchema>;
function isErrorWithMessage(error: unknown): error is ErrorWithMessage {
return errorWithMessageSchema.safeParse(error).success;
function toErrorWithMessage(maybeError: unknown): ErrorWithMessage {
if (isErrorWithMessage(maybeError)) return maybeError
try {
return new Error(JSON.stringify(maybeError))
} catch {
// fallback in case there's an error stringifying the maybeError
// like with circular references for example.
return new Error(String(maybeError))
function getErrorMessage(error: unknown) {
return toErrorWithMessage(error).message
Ref: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript